Sunday, December 27, 2009

UchihaXxXThicker then bloodXxXItachi Lemon (Request for XxDeathAngel647xX)


Name: Cody Young
Age: 19
Village: Leaf but left a year ago and joined the Akatsuki.
Rank: Jounin, missing-nin
Looks: is up above
(long black hair, big brown eyes, curvy figure and light skinned)
Abilities/Power/Kekkei Genkai: Able to turn eyes the color of blood, and mind reading.
Setting or how you met (unless you would like me to pick): Itachi and I were arranged to be married, but he killed his whole clan before we could.
Personality: cunning, holds a grudge for a long time, smart, friendly, nasty when irritated, bored a lot and likes drawing the members of the Akatsuki.
Horoscope Sign: Cancer


{A year before}
You looked around, eyes searching as the figure you targeted continued to move all around.
“Cody.” You hear being whispered behind your ears, you closed your eyes then opened them. You zoned in with your now blood red eyes, searching as your ears listened.
“I know it’s you, Weasel boy.” You growled vigorously. The man you once knew long ago, glared at you and even though you knew the truth; the said man walked out from the shadows.
“Itachi you know her?” Another asked as he came up from behind Itachi, although Itachi ignored his partner.
“Cody our leader wishes for you to join us.” Itachi said in his mind knowing you could hear him.
“Why should I?” You asked out loud since he couldn’t read your mind, this alone made Itachi’s partner look between the both of you.
“It’s your unique ability to read minds, is why.” He growled inside of his thoughts, you looked down for a moment then back up to the both of them.
“Fine but I don’t want to stay any longer then needed with you.” You marked, Itachi knew you held a passion for grudges and how you held them deeply to your heart.

{Itachi’s POV}
I nodded in agreement, and turned to lead the way. I knew I hurt her and Sasuke too. We ran most of the way. But merely slowed for a break once a while, every so often stare at her. I did the fire jutsu for us as we stopped to rest, four day with no sleep was rough on all of us. Even though she was to stubborn to admit it.
“Why do you keep doing that?” She growled catching me looking at her again, I looked away.
“Hm.” Was all I said.

{Back to regular POV}
You got up and started to walk away, just as you passed Itachi you slowed down facing ahead.
“Why did you lie so long ago?” You asked starting to walk away once again.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You hear him say as you were almost out of earshot.

{Present Day}
You mostly did your missions alone, but once in awhile you did help the other members on the side if needed. Since the day Itachi brought you to the Akatsuki hideout you’ve ignored him all this time except on missions but in your free time you acted coldly, emotionless or as if he wasn’t there.
“Tomorrow.” You noted to yourself as the day that Itachi broke your heart. You walked out of your room and headed to the main room where everyone, including the one you wanted to ignore sat in there listening to Pein’s evening talks.
“Cody you, Kisame, and Itachi are to find the jinjuriki in the stone village.” Pein said.
“Hai, when do we leave?” You boredly asked as if it was nothing but a boring mission, mostly because you would have to be with Itachi.
“At first light.” He replied.
“Fine.” You whispered under your breath, then walked away.

{Itachi’s POV}
Like all the many times for the last year, Cody walks away. Pein sighs heavily then walks out after her.
“Itachi-san.” I hear Tobi say.
“What?” I asked him as he approached pulling me into his room, he took off his mask looking directly at me.
“Is she still holding a grudge against you?” He asked in his real voice then took his mask off.
“Yes.” I simply reply, he huskily laughs.
“You should tell her the truth Itachi-san.” He said.
“She knows the truth.” I grunted in annoyance, then turn to leave.
“Not that truth, the other truth of you still desiring for her.” He shouted to my walking form.

*The next morning, still in Itachi’s POV*
Kisame and I looked all around the hideout still no sigh of her, Kisame growls lowly just as Tobi runs by laughing.
“Cody-chan is outside, is Tobi a good boy for telling Kisame and Itachi- senpai?” Tobi asked in his childish way. I and Kisame headed to the entrance and sure enough Cody was there leaning against the tree. She opened her eyes already knowing it was us coming, since her eyes were blood shot red.
‘Would you like to lead or me?’ I asked suddenly causing her to look over at me from her shoulder, but I knew it was the only way to get her to talk to me.
“You.” She simply replied. I started to walk off, then it soon went to us moving faster. Just as I thought we should rest she places her hand on my shoulder, she nods her head letting me know it is time to find a place for the night.

{Regular POV}
You sat down after making your rolled out bed up, you walked away but not before letting them know you will return. You found a river to bathe in, you soon finished and headed back to camp. Kisame was no were found only Itachi was, he had his eyes closed and was apparently sleeping against the stump of a burnt tree. You smiled to yourself watching him closely as you remembered all the times you shared with him.
‘Why are you staring like that?’ Itachi asked as you snapped back into reality.
“Am not.” You growled, Itachi got up walking over to you. He placed his hand on your cheek, he smiled a smile you haven’t seen for years.
“I miss you.” He said his breath as warm as ever upon your face.
“I miss you too.” You replied back but looked down as you added. “But I can’t imagine why you would leave me like you did. Even thought it was only a week until our wedding was to be. Itachi why…why did you leave me there and not take me with you.” He cupped your chin lifting your face up as he placed his lips smoothly on yours.
“I still care and love you that’s why I left you and Sasuke…to protect you both.” He huskily said after breaking the long, warm passionate kiss. He snaked his arms around your waist as you snaked yours around his shoulder and behind his neck. Itachi moved his lips down your chin and in search of your soft spot all on your neck. You sighed deeply closing your eyes as he had found what he’d been searching for, you lightly moaned just enough for him to smirk as he moved his fingers down with the zipper of your Akatsuki cloak. You breathed in huskily as his hands moved to the back of you cupping your ass as he lifted you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist. You gasped as your back hit the wall, Itachi’s hands moved freely all over your body while you were held there in between the wall and Itachi’s warm body.
“Itachi.” You moaned as his lips moved to your cleavage, as his wet tongue lashed against your skin. Your hands make way to his hair untieing his ponytail, your fingers twisting and knotting inside of his silk hair as he slowly took off your shirt. Itachi cupped your breast in his hands first he knead the right breast, suck, nibbling and taunting the nipple. Once satified he moved to your left breast giving it the same treatement. You moaned again, arching your back up as he moved back to your lips. He roughly kissed you licking your bottem lip for entrance, you smirked not letting him in. Itachi growled then bit your bottem lip, you finally let him in. The taste of your warm blood lingering on your lips, as your hand move to his Akatsuki cloak removing it along with his shirt. He graps your hand dropping your legs as he moves to his bed, swinging you around as your back hits his covers. He unzips your pants sliding them down along with your panty, his fingers teasing your clit as he moves it in a cicular motion. You arch your back, as he continues to taunt your lower half.
“Hmm.” You moaned far to low for his ears to hear. He moves his fingers only to replace it with his tongue, the licking and sucking noise from his lips give you an ultimate feeling. You bite your lower lip as he sticks two fingers deep with in, he slowly moves them out then back in. The movements tease your lower body as you moan and breath deeply with every stroke of his fingers, he feels the walls get tighter around his fingers as he moves fast and deep. You felt the sensation build up with in your lower body, your skin feeling like a feverish touch as you come close to your frist climax.
“ITACHI!” You scream releasing your fluids in his mouth and fingers, he moves up dropping his pants as you sit up in return. He leans down licking his lips driving you mad, you bring your lips to his and kiss him roughly tasting yourself as you move south with your lips gliding your tongue in the same way.
“C-cody.” He groaned as you wrapped your finger around his base, then you begin to lick the tip while stroking him up and down. He leans his head back closing his eyes, as you start to suck all the way from the tip and down his shaft. He moaned your name, gripping your hair as you moved faster and faster.
“CODY.” He grunted in a moan so loud it seemed he could shake the earth as you felt his bittersweet cum in your mouth slowly making its way down your lips. He picked you up tossing you on the bed as he hovered over your body, he roughly but gently kisses your lips as he spreads your legs apart.He looked into your eyes then he leaned back, lifting your legs lightly up as he thrusted deep with in your core.
“Ahh.” You lightly cried out with tears brimming your eyes. He thrusted a few times in slowly, then stopped waiting for you to let him know.
“It’s ok..naa move now please.” You said moments later when the pain subsided, he moved in a slow rhythm as he started to get the feeling. Soon joining in as he thrusted up your hip to meet his.
“Harder.” You moaned as you bucked your hips up again meeting his thrusts, he groan.
“Cody.” He moaned as he felt you meet his, thrust smoothly.
This continued until your bodies where covered with sweat, like beams of sunlight glaring in the sky.
“Faster, yee-naahh..” You moaned as he hit your g-spot. You felt your climax reaching soon. He kept pounding in and out very fast as you both called out each other’s names feeling your juice come down.
“Over, now.” He barked in a demand at you followed by you getting on all fours, he thrusted up again ramming into your ass. You cried out felling pain once again which soon subsided just as fast and the only thing that was heard where the groan and moans of you and Itachi making love. You felt his cock pulse as you tighten around him even knowing your climax would soon follow a few more thrust you screamed out hitting your second orgasm.
“ITACHI-CODY!!!” You and Itachi screamed in ecstasy. He kept ramming in and out until he released his warm seed inside you calling out your name. Still inside of you he lay next to you pulling cover over your bodies as you rolled up inside of his bedding. He embraced you, and passionately kisses you again and wraps his arms around your soft curvy body.
“Cody…” He called trailing off, you looked up at him laying your head on his chest.
“I didn’t tell you this whole time because I still and do want to protect you and Sasuke. You two are my only reason of life.” He finished, you smiled leaning up on your elbow.
“Thicker then blood.” You remined him, he smiled to you as he too remembered the saying you to would say instead of ‘I Love You’ it was always ‘Thicker Then Blood’.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

♥Fantasy with my Lady Luna♥ Kakashi Lemon Oneshot (Request for silverwolverine)


Name: Luna Uzumaki (naruto's big sister)
Age: 25-27(Well same age as Kakashi)
Rank if ninja: Anbu Black Ops Captain
Looks:Picture is up above
Abilities: five tailed white wolf demon sealed in her, can control fire, water n lightning at will.
Personality: caring, feisty, short tempered, protective
Horoscope Sign: Libra

“Luna!” Someone yells, you turn to look back seeing your younger brother and Iruka right besides him.
“Hey Naruto, Iruka.” You say sweetly at them.
“You have anything you’re doing tonight sis?” Naruto asked.
“Not as far as I can tell. Why do you ask?” You curiously ask as Naruto and Iruka take side glances then smile looking back at you.
“Well you see…” Naruto trails off looking back at Iruka.
“Oh yes you see Luna the new book for Icha Icha Paradise is out.” He finishes shyly as your eyes lit up.
“Oh so what in it for you two?” you asked, skeptically.
“Oh nothing lets go.” Naruto says fast hooking on arm to you as Iruka followed. As you get closer to the building, you see through the glass noticing a certain hot grey haired man. You glance to Iruka already seeing their plot.
“NO!” You shout at them at they try to get you into the store.
“Ugh why not sis?” Naruto asked.
“I already see why and if you two don’t stop oh so help me I will so kick your butts.” You exclaim dramatically.
“Luna I have known you for some time and I know you did work with Kakashi before when he was in the Anbu Black Ops.” He states the complete obvious. You feel your self shirk in your skin knowing they were both right but oh you couldn’t bring yourself to tell a good friend you been dreaming to fuck him non-stop. You walk into the store going directly to the section of said books and fake looking at them like he wasn’t there.
“I’m sorry I guess I wasn’t paying attention.” You apologize after bumping into him still pretending like you didn’t know he was there, Kakashi stands tall looking down smirks at you.
“Its ok Luna no harm done.” He says still with that playful smirk you see under his mask.
“But Luna I know you knew I was here.” He whispered in your ear making shivers and goose bumps rise. You smirk to yourself and he puts his hand on you upper arms gently rubbing up and down, still feeling is breath tickling the back of your neck. You giggled lightly fighting your raging hormones so you wouldn't pounce on him right then and there.
"Kakashi" You whisper turning around to face him.
"Hm?" He says looking deep into your eyes; you push him away so you could clear out those succumbing and tempting thoughts that linger in the back of your head. You turn to leave as he grips your wrist, lightly enough without being so rough.
"Luna could you meet me near the training academy later on?" He asks you.
"Sure." You reply with a smile.
You walk out and turn left as fast and quick too, only to bump into your brother and Iruka.
"How did it go?" Naruto hyperly asked.
"Um..ok I guess." You say with a smile.
"You told him then?" They ask in unison.
"I didnt tell him anything geez, he only asked for me to meet him tonight ok." You say annoyed.
They both got the clue and dropped the subject you already walking ahead of them not waiting to hear any more ridiculous statements or ideas. As you walk past the training area you see Gai and his team.
"Oh Luna-chan you look so youthful everyday like you brother." Gai greeted patting Naruto's head.
"Thank you Gai, your team and you look just as youthful to." You commented he smiled and looked over at them.
"Well we need to get going so another day then Gai." You said getting his attention.
"Yes, let the youth grow." He yelled running back to his team, while you three sweat drop running away.
.....Later that Night........
You walk to the training academy thinking of what he would want to see you for but as the thought passed it also was gone like they say in one ear and out the other. You enter near the area and see a man in the distance you figured without a doubt it was Kakashi laying there. As you hovered over his sleeping form.

(That is how he was laying under the tree)
You smirk tapping him awake as his charming eyes flutter open seeing you stand their as his eyes adjust.
"Oh you came." He said sitting up a bit more and closing the book he was reading.
"Yea I did so what." You reply sarcastically, he noted it and stood up. He signaled for you to follow which you did. As you walked up to his side he was caught up in his book you smirked looking over his shoulder reading it with him then you laughed at one of the scenes which made him look up at you.
"What is so funny?" He asked.
"Nothing." You giggled, his eye brow risen up with curiousity.
"No just tell me." He huffed from under his mask.
"It is just that part." You say pointing to the graphics in the book.
"How so?" He questioned.
"Oh um...well...I dont know." You stammered looking away as you felt yourself blushing, he closed the book again looking down at his feet. Finally looking back towards him you see this sadden expression.
"Kakashi?" You said getting him to look up but he didnt make any eye contact.
"Hm yeah?" He replied sounding somewhat constricted in his thoughts and words.
"Why you look so upset?" You ask.
"No reason it is just I have really liked this girl who is a complete obvious to those around her." He stated looking over at you then back down to his feet as they shuffle back and forth.
"Oh the Kakashi I know? the pervert?" You say laughing.
"Funny Luna funny but you will soon eat those words, for I know your weakness." He laughed back catching your attention at the end making you stop laughing.
"You wouldnt?" You barked questioningly.
"Wanna bet." He replied seductively, you smiled and raced off towards his place. With ease he had already beat you by only seconds.
"Cheater." You said panting for air as he unlocked his door letting you in first then him. You looked around taking a seat on his bed.
"So what now?" You ask propping yourself on one elbow to look at him, he turned to face you as he bent down on his knees in front of you.
"Do you really want to you know?" He said whispering in your face.
"Yes, I would like to know." You reply. Kakashi took a seat next to you.
"Luna, do you have any interest in any man?" He asked suddenly.
"Hm maybe and if you tell me who I will tell you mind." You say cheekily.
"It is the one person who teased and pushed me around, and she is also a perverted like me. and she is right here in this room to." He said simply blurting it out seeing if you catch on.
"I see so she is-" You said now catching the whole of it, eyes widen as you feel is velvet lips kiss yours in a deep meaningful kiss. Minutes pass as you soon grew to need the air breaking for mere moments, you look at what he is doing as he take one of his books out turning it to a page as you look over it.
"Whoa there ninja boy, that looks fun but oh so painful." You tease taking the book and throwing it somewhere. He eyes how you lower yourself to your knees undoing his pants and teasing his cock letting it out, you pump it a few times going up and down on his shaft setting a slow feel. You felt him grow in your hands deciding to lick the tip slowly working your way down his shaft and to the bottom of the base, you licked, sucked forcefully, and grinded your teeth again his flesh as you came up to the tip then deep throating it again.
"Uh ah Luna fast go fast." He groaned moving his head back as the pleasure threaten to come loose. You continued to suck roughly going faster and faster while bobbing your head to it.
"Perfect Luna go deeper and faster Luna ahhhh uhhh," He moaned out loudly once again this time putting his hand on your head trying to get more of himself in the wet cavern of your warm mouth.
"Luna Im almost there...yes there uuuhhhh Luna." He moaned again releasing his cum in your mouth as you swallowed. You still fully clothed laid down on his bed, Kakashi moved to your lips as he tasted himself. He nipped and sucked on your lip begging for entrance as you granted him it he memorized all detain the moved to your neck in search for your soft spot, which was found shortly after he had bitten down enough to draw blood. You moaned as he licked it up and started to undress you.
He removed your upper clothing playing with one breast and he sucked on the other then switching, slowly after he had successfully erected the nipples out he moved to your stomach kissing it tenderly; while unzipping your pants and pulling them off along with your underwear. He placed his hand to your vagina caressing it gently and playfully taunting your clit making you crave more and more.
"Uhhhh....Kakashi." You whimpered as you felt your body get wetter and wetter with each touch. You soon felt something wet looking down you saw him licking and sucking on your clit, as he did this he stuck two fingers inside scissoring you as he went deeper. After he did that he started to pump his fingers in and out fast and deep moaning loudly every so often shouting his name. He put his face back down sticking his tongue in your wettness thrusting it in and out, while sticking one finger in again.
"Ahh ohh there yes uuuhhh." You moaned/panted out breathing heavy. You felt your body's climax hit as he swallowed up all your juices licking you clean he took off his shirt and vest moving his way up to your lips as he let you have a taste of yourself. He positioned himself near your opening ready to rock your world in many ways according to his 'guide' series since he wanted to try the missionary first.
He crashed his lips to yours and he rammed inside your vigina thrusting in and out without waiting for you to adjust to his size. He pulled all the way out the slammed right back into you. So the pain went away and you started to moan in his mout he moved from your lips to you chest then he partly lay up flipping you on all fours.
"Uhh right there oooohhh yes." You moan as he picked up his pace. This continued with different ways finally as he lay you on your side lifting on leg up and slamming hard and deep inside you.
"Uhhhh hit it again in that spot uhhhahhhha." You screamed as he hit your g-spot. He kept going at that spot as you felt your climax coming near and he to felt his you stopped fast laying down and pulling you on top. He guided you up and down as your skin smacked against each other going faster, deeper and harder with each cry of pleasure both you let out.
"Uhhhhh Luna..." He groaned.
"Ahhh Kakashi.." You moaned.
Both panting as sweat run down your bodies from sheer bliss, your wall tightening around his long, hard cock. Coming both to your climaxes.
"Kakashi....Luna" You both moan out in unison as you release and he shot his hot seed inside you the mixture combined from your love, he pulls out laying beside you.
"I love you Kakashi." You said laying on your side putting your head on his chest, he embraced you body pulling the cover over both your naked bodies.
"I love you too, Luna." He said kissing the top of your head.
"Good wanna try when we wake up?" You ask with a smirk.
"Any fantasy you wish Lady Luna." He replies as the darkness soon takes over putting you to rest knowing this was a start worth creating for. A fantasy, your fantasy but most of all your HIS fantasy......

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hatake-=-With every sad ending-=-Kakashi Lemon one shot (Request for KakashiFan1993)


Name: Nami Orino
Age: 25 (Kakashi-26)
Village: Konoha
Rank: was Anbu, but went back to Jounin
Looks:Pic is up above
(blonde hair average length, blue eyes.)
Abilities/Power/Kekkei Genkai: Able to control wind and water elements.
Personality: Calm, aloof, can be really dense sometimes, can be very perverted, composed, caring, and can be shy sometimes.
Hobbies: Reading the Icha Icha series, going for walks, gardening, and training.


[Flashback- At the ninja academy, 13 years ago]
“Oi Obito!” You shout running to the Uchiha clan’s side, your best and first friend was Orbit Uchiha. He was also your first crush too, he ran out wearing his goggles.
“Kami are you going to train with Obito?” Mrs. Uchiha asked
“Mom, we’ll be back soon.” Obito replies, as we took off to the academy to see who our Sensei will be hoping to be on the same team.
“Alright congratulations on being the new genin, as I call your name that is the team and you will then be ready to meet your Sensei.” Sensei said to us all as Obito and you smile crossing fingers.
“Team Minato, will be Hatake Kakashi, Rin and Uchiha Obito. Next team Uzumaki will be Ryuu Makiko, Hiroshi Shirou, and Orino Nami.” She finished and we all set out to meet our new Sensei. As you walked back to meet up with Obito then headed to his home where his mother waited for you both to return.
“Nami, even though we’re not on the same team will we still be friends?” Obito asked as we entered his home.
“Hai not even death could take that away.” You say high and proud.
[End of flashback]

You were heading back to Konoha after hearing of what happened with Orohimaru and the Chuunin exams. You wanted to see and know that everything was all right. You stopped in a nearby village you still had three days to go before you would be near the Hidden Leaf village. Rain started to pour as you entered in an inn the woman handed you a key and showed you to your room. You partly opened the window letting the scent of fresh rain fill the room, you pulled out the newest addition to the Icha Icha Paradise book and laid it on your bed. You looked out the window as you started to remember your first mission.

[Flashback- 13 years ago]
“Sensei Uzumaki look.” You, Makiko and Shirou says as team Minato came up behind with his team. She smiles walking up to their Sensei and giving him a soft kiss on his lips, you decided to greet your best friend.
“Oi Obito.” You call out seeing him with his goggles on.
“Oi Nami.” He replies walking up to you as you two would always do.
“I am excited, we go on our first mission today.” You say to him.
“Hai I am too, although we are to be there silently.” He says.

[Later that night]
You heard of the village’s own flash had came into your base, only two student with him. You raced out toward where your sensei was, her expression was sadden as you looked around frantically.
“Sensei.” You call slowly walking over, she turned and immediately hugged you.
“Nami, there is something we need to tell you.” She starts off but stops as one of Obito’s teammates wall over with a patch over his eye.
“Has Orbito ever tell you about a boy on his team named Hatake Kakashi?” She asked, you nod.
“Hai Sensei.” You reply as she pulls the boy with grey hair in front of her.
“Go ahead Kakashi tell her.” She said to him.
“Obito, died saving us. He was crushed by a large rock.” Kakashi said as his only eye looked up in to your gaze.
“Obito…” You trailed off as tears brimmed your eyes.
“Nami, I’m sorry.” She said, you smacked her hand away standing up then raced off. You called a messenger bird to you as you wrote on the not once to Obito’s family. His mother greeted you at the gate, holding you in her arms as you all attended Obito’s funeral. You place a white rose on his grave as you held in your tears.
‘I promise I will get stronger so I can protect those I love around me.’ You thought and headed to the training grounds.
[End of flashback]

Lighting flashed as you felt the tears hit your cheeks, wiping them away. You walked over to the bed picking up the book and laying down as you started to read it until you were ready to fall asleep. When morning came you got up and headed out. Again time flew by as your didn’t stop running, the day soon turned night as you stopped. You rested a bit since you knew by morning you would be in front of Konoha. You opened your eyes seeing the sun about to rise, you headed off again and hours before noon you made it to the front gates. Two guards stood there as you entered, jaws dropped.
“K-kami?” One said with a bandage across his nose.
“Yes?” You said tilting your head then it hit you that you knew them too, then you realized it was Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki
“I hear you left soon after making Anbu rank?” Izumo asked
“Yes I was sent to be with the Hidden stone village.” You replied.
“Well no matter it is good to see you home.” Kotetsu said as they both watched you walk on, instead of heading the Hokage’s office you headed to the grave of you best friend. You walked over but stopped not far seeing a person with grey hair already there, the person turns around with half his face covered.
“Whose there?” He asked, you stepped out of the shadows walking slowly over placing a white rose on Obito’s grave.
“Long time no see eh Kakashi.” You said, his eyes widen at your voice.
“Kami?” He simply asked.
“Yep.” You reply standing up with a smile.
“I see so when did you decied to come back?” He asked.
“The Hokage summoned me to return.” You reply.
“I see so would you like me to walk with you there?” Kakashi offered, you nodded then he dropped a book. You recognized it from anywhere, you smiled picking it up and handing it back to him.
“I finished that already.” You said, he blinked a few times as you was walking away.

-=-Later that night-=-

You exited the Hokage’s just now wondering around when a sudden scent fill your nostrails. You walked over to the ramen shop, Kakashi’s form stood out as three student sat with him.
“Oi Kakashi who are these little ones?” You asked him, he looks at you with a smile you could clearly see through his mask.
“My team, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke.” Kakashi introduced.
“Kakashi sensei who is she.” The boy known as Naruto asked, you smiled clearly seeing your sensei and Kakashi’s sensei with in the boy.
“Yeah Kakashi who am I?” You taunted placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Orino Nami, she is an old friend.” Kakashi said, you smiled.
“Old friend, never knew you held such feelings.” You laughed, he blushes while sweat dropping.
“Well see you later Kakashi sensei.” Sakura says while walking away with Naruto and Sasuke.
“Nice bunch of kids Kakashi, didn’t ever imagine you being a sensei.” You said standing after you paid for your ramen. Kakashi stands awell right by your side, as he was walking with you under the moonlit night. Just as you opened your apartment door, you turned looking at Kakashi placing a passionate kiss on his lips. Kakashi pushes the door closed as, both you and Kakashi’s arms snake around another. He breaks from your lips to breath as he moved down your cheek, and chin to your neck lightly sucking on it then he moved to nibble lightly on your ear lobe.
“Ahh…” You purred trying to hold back that growling moan, he smirked moving back to your neck in search for your soft spot. He moved his right hand under your shirt breaking away from you again as he lifts it over your head, then moved to remove your bra. After that his lips trailed down to your breast, he cupped the left breast in his right hand massaging it as his mouth engulfed your right breast.
You squirmed underneath him as he twirled his tongue over you hardening nipple, then moved to give the other breast the same treatment. You moaned in the back of your throat, he looked up at you and you looked down to him. His right hand moved passed your stomach and soon started to massage your inner thigh.
“Kakashi!” You moan as he groaned feeling your touch going further down, you unzipped and buttoned his shorts. Kakashi stood letting them drop, he leaned down to your waist unzipping your skirt and pulling it down with your thong.
“Nami.” Kakashi said as he looked over to you, nodding you watched as his fingers and tongue taunted and licked your pussy lips. He moved his fingers away from your clit and to the opening slit, as he sucked and licked your wet clit he pumped in one digit into your wet cavern pumping it in and out in a slow pace.
“Hmmm.” You moaned as he put another digit into you picking up speed, you moaned and squirmed as the feeling burned in the pit of your stomach. You have masterbated to know that you’re were coming to your release, his fingers moved in ways that not your own would seem to satisfy.
“Hmm anaauuh Kakashi” You moaned as your walls tightened around his fingers, he felt you coming and moved his tongue from your clit to your slit as you cummed into his mouth. You leaned up to take control, pulling him from his knees as you looked to his half harden erection. You started to stroke his long and thick cock, then moved your cherry red colored lips to his tip licking and taunting him as he did you.
“Na..a..mi don’t tease me please…uhhh.” He groaned, you nod and took his long and thick length in your mouth deep as you engulfed him to the base of his cock, teasing his sac with your left hand as your right hand stayed on the base of his length. You sucked, nibbled and grind your teeth against him, he moaned deeply and groaned loudly. As you griped around and stroked him while deep throat him all the same. You felt his cock pulse inside your mouth
“NAMI!” He groaned loudly as he came in your mouth, which you swallowed and then licked around his tip and your lips. He leaned down to kiss you, as your lips touched you could taste each other, he didn’t need to ask for entrance you had gladly let him dominate.
“I have to have you now.” He growled lifting your legs to his waist as his hard erection came back poking at your entrance, you looked at him.
“Will it hurt?” You asked, he looked down knowing you’re already a virgin.
“Yes it will but know this it will not last.” He replied lustfully, the penetrated your virgin sex with his long and hard cock. You gripped his shoulders upon feeling the pain digging your nails into his skin, he moaned at that as he felt your tight wet pussy. He pulled back and then thrusts back in, after a few more times the pain soon subsided and he picked up pace.
“Nnna..uhhh…Ka-kakashi.” You moaned in a pant. He picked up fast and rough and he thrusted in and out.
“Nauuhhaa….mmmm….nnnnaugh.” You both moaned in unison. Kakashi pulled out flipping her on all fours, he looked to her then thrusted in her wet sex again. He kept his grip on her hips as he thrusted hard and deep inside her wet silky pussy.
Moans, groans and the sound of skin slapping skin echoed in the room, he lifts one or your leg up still thrusting in and out, deep and fast.
“Haaauhhaaa!” You moaned as he was hitting a certain spot that seemed to triple the feeling.
“Naahh uhhha!” You moaned loudly he did as you requested thrusting in again hitting it hard as you purred in a moan. Kakashi growls in the back of his throat.
“Nrrrah uhhh.” He groaned deeply, then pulled out again. This time he thrusted in your ass, you squirmed as he kept his firm grip on your waist. Thrusting, in and out, deep and hard he had you soon moaning in more.
“Yah…ahha..naahh!” You moaned, he went fast and hard thrusting more and more as he pulled almost all the way out and thrust back in again and again. He kept in as he flipped you over lifting you in his lap letting you ride against him.
“Nuuahha.” He groaned as moved with him, you began to dig your nails in his flesh on his shoulder. He pulled you closer to him laying his head in the crook of your neck.
“Hmm…naahh” He growled, biting down on your tender flesh, as you moaned from the slight pain. Both your climax was soon near as you kept riding him.
“Nuuahaha….Uhhha ahaha!!” You both shout in unison, as you release and feel his seed spill inside of you. You lean on each other panting for air, you look up to him as he kisses your head then your lips.
“I love you Kakashi, have since Obito’s death.” You suddenly say as you lay on your side looking him in the face, his mask still on.
“Good, I love you too Nami. No matter what…with ever sad ending.” He whispered pulling down his mask as he fully touched his lips to yours softly.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

芸Boom Boom Bang芸Deidara Lemon (Request for EdwardElricsBabyGirl)


Name: Jerrica Ryuga
Age: 18
Village: Formerly of the Hidden Leaf but joined Akatsuki
Rank: S-ranked criminal
(long black hair, lavender eyes, average height, lightly tanned skin, wears black clothing under akatsuki cloak.)
Setting: you can make it up
Personality: Quiet, smart, clever, and short tempered.
Horoscope sign: Pisces


“TOBI GET BACK HERE!” You shout, chasing said man with the orange mask on his face.
“Tobi good boy, Senpai!” Tobi shouts, the said bomber walks out of the Akatsuki living room with an annoyed look upon his face.
“Tobi.” You warned.
“I got it Senpai, Tobi good boy?” Tobi says handing him the said item that Tobi took out of your room.
“Jerrica, hm.” Deidara said as he took the item from Tobi, then he started to walk closer to you.
“Give it to me little blonde girl.” You teased, Deidara back you up against the wall.
“No, I think I will keep it un.” He said glaring.
“Deidara…Jerrica.” A voice called, both Deidara and you looked.
“Yes, Konan.” You said.
“Pein wants to see you both.” She replied, you squirmed your way under Deidara’s arm. Deidara stayed behind you and Konan as you three made way to Pein’s office. Konan knocked then opened the door, letting you and Deidara enter.
“Jerrica, Deidara. I have a mission for you both.” Pein started.
“What about Tobi?” You asked.
“Tobi will go with Zetsu, I need you both to recover the scroll from the mist village.” He said handing you a sheet showing you the location of the temple and the scroll.
“Nii-sama.” You said to Pein.
“Yes.” He said.
“Will you order Deidara to give me back my diary.” You pouted out your lip.
“Deidara give it back to her.” Pein orders, Deidara complies handing back your diary.
“You’re both dismissed, you have tonight to leave.” Pein states, and you both leave.
“Why do you call Leader, brother?” Deidara asked as you stopped in front of your room door.
“Well they saved me, and brought me here.” You simply say to him while opening your door, entering and then closing it.
“Jerrica, are you ever going to tell him the truth?” Madara says, you look to the Uchiha sitting on your bed.
“What truth, and why are you not with Zetsu?” You asked, he sighs standing up walking over to you.
“About him.” Madara simply says ignoring your other question.
“Perhaps not.” You say, as Madara putts on his orange mask opening your door.
“Hai Hai.” He says closing it.

==Later on==
You finished packing what you would need, opening and closing your door as you head to Deidara’s.
“Yo Dei!” You bang on said door, he answered it only to get hit in the head by your fist.
“Ouch, hm.” He says, you back up letting him out as he closes his door.
“Deidara, we will be about half way there by morning. So we can go into a small inn in a small non ninja village.” You say to him as you both leave the hideout.
“Fine, un.” He replies half awake and half asleep. He does a few hand signs summoning his giant clay bird, as you both jump on it. It seems like days have passed rather then hours.
“Dei, there the village.” You say to him from behind, he nods. You both jump off the bird and it shrinks down to a miniature clay figure, you take off your Akatsuki cloak. Tossing it to Deidara as you fixed up yourself to seem like you were indeed a traveler, so you would raise no suspension.
“Alright I will go first, you meet me here while I get the room and all ok.” You say to him, he nods. You walk on opening the inn’s door entering the building.
“How may I help you miss?” The lady in the front asks.
“One room please, just for tonight.” You request, she smiles handing you a key.
“Please sign here, and your room is on the second floor to the left.” She says.
“Thank you.” You say politely.
“You’re welcome and if there is anything you need let me know.” She said as you walk out.
“Dei.” You call seeing him sitting down eating some anko dango.
“Hm, what room.” He asked
“97.” You simply say taking his last dango stick, which he had only three out to the four left on his lips.
“Hey.” He says as you start to stick the dango in your mouth.
“What?” You ask licking your lips in a teasing way as you look up innocently to him.
“Nothing, let’s just head to the room.” He said, and you nodded. After you ate the dango you both headed up to your shared room, unlocking and closing as you both lay on the bed next to each other. You sat up soon as you wanted to take a shower.
“Be back, don’t you hog the whole bed Dei.” You said walking into the bathroom starting the water to a warmish touch. You undressed and stepped in the light steam flowed around just as the water did. You guided your hands all over, until you feel something warm yet cold. You looked down seeing a hand with a mouth, you already knew by the look of his hand who it was.
“What are you doing Deidara?” You asked as he pulls you back against his chest.
“Hm your so warm, what to do with this soft form of art?” He pondered. You turned around facing him, your eyes wandered around his body but stopped upon his chest seeing a marking of some sort. Your finger tip glided over it, you blushed upon feeling his hands around your waist. Only his left hand moved to your rear giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Deidara.” You gasped, his lips crashed down on yours. He pulls you closer to him turning off the water then lifting you up in his arms carrying you out and to the bedroom. He put you down wrapping a towel around you slowly drying you and then him off. Deidara again pulls you to him holding you from behind as his hand moved over your body, with each mouth kissing and sucking your silky flesh.

Deidara leans his head in over your shoulder as his hands move back up cupping both breast, massaging as you arch your chest out leaning your head back giving him access to your neck. His hands move over the nipples as they start to suck and bite ever so lightly, his teasing was clouding your mind as your own hands move to his length as you could feel it protruding your back side.

Deidara stopped and turned you around pushing you on top of the bed as he leans over your body moving down below, lifting your right leg up and over his shoulder then your left leg. He leaned in taunting your clit with his hot tongue dancing around as his fingers moved to your entrance, sticking two in first pumping in and out as steady pace as his tongue then moved down. The hand that wasn’t pumping in and out moved to your clit with it’s own action.

“Deidara.” You moaned feeling the build up in the pit of your stomach. Deidara continued to taunt your clit while eating your out.
“Deidara!” You shout as you came inside his mouth and on his fingers. He leans up as you sit up seeing him lick up your juices off his fingers and mouth. You leaned in forward capturing his lips to your as you slowly stood up with him. You got on your knees taking his erected member into your hands stroking him then you began to lick and suck up and down on him from the tip to the bottom shaft, he was loving this feeling as you stroked and bobbed your head he tossed his head back arching out his chest.

The faster and harder you went the more his breathing became erratic.
You felt his climax soon to come as he pulsed in your hand and mouth, tasting pre-cum at the tip then going back down you felt him intertwine his fingers in your hair. Deidara’s grunts and groans were like soft music filling in the air.
“Hm…Jerrika.” He groaned.

As you began to suck harder as you came back to the tip you then tasted a salty and sweetness in your mouth and knew he had came. He gained back his composer picking you up off your knees laying your back down on the soft bed as he crawled back on top of you.

“Jerrika are you sure you want this?” He asked with a lustful expression.
“Yes.” Was all you could say out as the need and desire to fill him inside gave away the lust that dripped in your silence. He nodded putting his tip to your warmth, and out of excitement he rammed hard and deep. Tears fell from your eyes as he penetrated you; he looked down and came to a sudden halt.

“Jerrika would you like me to stop, un?” He asked.
“No Deidara I want you so take me as you wish to.” You reply, not soon after the pain subsided to an end. He like you asked took you like he wished thrusting deep and hard as fast as he could.
“Nuhh…De-deidara faster…nah harder.” You moaned and as any man pleasing a woman he obeyed your command picking up at inhuman speed thrusting in, out, hard and deep. He continued ramming in and out. He pulled himself out and you took control pushing him on his back and getting on top to ride him.

You lowered yourself on his thick manhood, he quickly grasp your hips lifting you up as he rammed in you. This feeling dubbed over in pure bliss as you rocked and he thrusted deep and fast both you calling each other’s names, with musical moans and groans.
“Dei-deidara.” You seemed unable to form words as he rammed harder and harder.

“Jer-jerrila…hmm…un” He grunted huskily, he slowly sat up as if seemed you were giving him a lap dance. He felt the need to take over again as he got you on all fours thrusting upward hard and deep, he began to once again go in and out at inhuman speed and strength. You felt the need of release as you climax was near, he too felt the same as he continued the thrust you arched your head back.

“DEIDARA!” You scream in complete bliss as you came, no more then another few thrust did you hit hard grunting.
“JERRIKA!” He moaned out as he released his seed mixing your delighted pleasure. You got off on top of him laying on your side as he pulls you to him with the sheet over your body. Deidara kissed your lips once more as you both laying in each other’s arms smiling so brightly.
“Boom Boom Bang.” You laughed , he joined you turning on his side.
“Hai Jerrika, art is a blast. When its with you.” He said, you smiled to him as you both closed your eyes.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

形Akasuna形The most beautiful形No形puppet around形Sasori形lemon oneshot (Request for HikaruLovesSasori)


Name: Hikaru Rikudo (pein's long lost little sister)
Village: Rain Village
Rank: S-rank criminal nin
Family: Pein/Nagato- older brother
Looks:Pics are up above
(long black hair that ends on her waist and crimson red eyes, and has a perfect hour glass slim body.)
Abilities/Power/Kekkei Genkai: Aside form your clan abilities; the Rinnegan you can control fire and lightning
Personality: Stubborn, arrogant, happy go lucky well sometimes
Horoscope Sign: Sagittarius


You looked around, in search for something unknown to you two set of eyes peered just around watching your every move. You sat down closing your eyes, you sensed a presence near feeling familiar but still you didn’t know. Your uncertainty kept you waiting as you made it seem like you didn’t know. You let your body relax letting everything around you seem almost like a calling. Time grew short as the day broke late on in the day, you got up heading to the village hidden in the rain. Many villagers treated you differently, you were more of an outcast then anything. Although you didn’t let that bother you, skipping across as the rain falls onto your soft skin damping it in return like moisture being held captive. You blinked the droplets out of your eyes as you looked up closing them as you stood still under the rain. You smiled to yourself as you looked back down heading to your place, as you stood outside your apartment door feeling that same presence as before.
“Hikaru you shouldn’t stay out in the rain, you might catch a cold.” A calm , yet cold voice plainly says.
“State your name.” You coldly growled, turning around to face this person. You stood still as you looked at him closely, his eyes is what stood out to you. They are the same as yours, you glared at the man before you as you slightly backed up.
“Pein.” He said, you looked at him raising a brow.
“Huh?” You asked tilting your head.
“My name.” He simply says, you looked to the person standing behind him. Although his were grey and yours were red, holding the same circles inside of them.
“Your eyes.” You muttered in a low tone.
“Yes their just like yours Hikaru.” He replies. He slowly walks over seeing your body stance as it was relaxed, you felt like you knew this man.
“Do I know you?” You suddenly asked, he smirked standing now in front of you.
“You do, but before I can say I want you to join the Akatsuki with me.” He says, you quirk a brow again.
“ I guess.” You laugh holding out your hand in agreement, he shakes it in return.
“Hikaru tonight we will stay then all three of us leave at first light.” Pein states as you open your door letting them in as well.
“Ok.” You say closing the door and locking it.

[Next morning]
“Hikaru.” Pein’s voice calls waking you up.
“Hm.” You mutter, he sits on your bed pulling the covers off your head.
“Hey, you’re like an annoying big brother! Cut that out!” You shout waking up and getting out of your bed.

[Pein’s POV]
Hikaru shoved me out, slamming the door in the process. I heard Konan laugh lightly as she stands up looking in my direction.
“Leader-sama, are you sure you should tell her?” Konan asked me.
“Tell who what?” Came Hikaru’s voice as she opened her door coming out.
“We will in time but we must leave now.” I say walking in front of Konan as she and Hikaru follow closely.

[Back to regular POV]
You three made it to a large bolder rock, Pein does some hand signs as it shifts the rock up above. You then followed them in as it leads down, Pein stops then enters an area where there was other’s just sitting around.
“Leader-sama, your back un.” A long, blonde haired boy says as you three enter in.
“Listen up, this is our newest member Rikudo Hikaru.” Pein introduces, then he walks over pointing his fingers around adding. “Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, Tobi, Kakuzu, Zetsu, Hidan, Sas- where is Sasori?”
“Working on another puppet.” Kakuzu says.
“Sasori?” You asked looking up at Pein.
“Yes, Akasuna No Sasori.” Pein says, you look around to the others.
“Better known as the ‘Red Scorpion of the sand’, Yeah Sasori-sama.” Deidara says as a man hunched over slugs on by.
“Pein?” You whisper near his ear.
“Yes.” He replies.
“Are you going to tell me now?” You ask, he signals for you to follow him.
“Hikaru, do you remember any of your family?” He asked as he opened a door to an office like room.
“Hm not really why?” You ask.
“You may see when do have features alike, Hikaru what would you say if I told you…you’re my little sister?” He asked, you put your hand to your chin thinking.
“Question is are you my real brother?” You asked back.
“Yes.” He replies simply, with out words you leaped into his lap hugging him.
“I don’t mind if you were or weren’t but I do believe you.” You say.
“Leader-sama.” Konan interrupts.
“Yes Konan.” Pein, your older brother says.
“I see you decided to tell her?” Konan says seeing that you was in his lap, you get up walking over to her.
“I did, Konan will you take her to her room.” Ordered Pein, you wave to him as she takes you to your room.
“Konan, do you like my brother?” You ask the blue haired woman, she blushes.
“Hai.” She whispered hoping you didn’t catch it, but you did.
“Sweet.” You laugh, Konan stops in front of a door as you look at the door across yours.
“Whose room is this?” You ask reaching your arm out towards the knob.
“Sasori’s, now come over here. You’re starting to show your stubborn side like your brother does.” Konan remarks, which made you giggle.

[Two years later]
You were 15 years old when you were first brought to the Akatsuki, your brother Pein even told you about Tobi a.k.a Madara Uchiha’s secret too. Over the two years though you’ve been fascinated with a certain puppet master, his ideas and wisdom flow all around you like streaming water. Every time Sasori came near you, the feeling of your heart raced inside of your chest like the beating of drums. You sat in between Deidara and Tobi, as those two argued.
“Deidara-san.” You call out hoping they would stop.
“Hm.” He says giving you his full attention, in the time even though Deidara is a little older. You didn’t mind is flirty behavior towards you, in fact you did it mostly when Sasori would come in. Only once have you seen him with out his armor which in fact scared you, closing your eyes as the image of that day came in.

“Ugh I’m so boooorrreeed.” You mumbled heading to the showers. You heard them on wondering who the hell could it be, you twisted the door handle seeing it was unlock as you quietly entered in. The fresh hot water steam fluttering in the air like thick fog on a cold morning. The image of a person with red hair by the looks of it, you tilted your head thinking of who that could be.
‘None of the members here have red hair, do they?’ You thought to your self, only then did you notice the water no longer flowed and there standing with a towel wrapped to his waist was a hot, sexy red head.
“Wh-who are you?” You stuttered out after realization hit you.
“Hikaru what are you doing in here?” He asked, his voice all to familiar.
“Sasori?” You questioned, the red head nods.
“Yes Hikaru, now answer my first question.” He repeats.
“Oh I didn’t know who was in her I wanted to take a shower but I guess I can wait.” You say laughing nervously as you turn to leave.
[End of flashback]

“Senpai, I think Hika-chan is lost.” You hear Tobi’s voice say as you came back from your own thoughts.
“Tobi-nii. I am not lost.” You laugh, he glomps you in a bear hug giggling like he would in his ‘Tobi’ form, although you know that his ‘Real’ form is much creepier.
“Tobi put Hikaru down before she can’t breath any more.” Sasori says as he enters in, you sweat drop seeing as how that is the first time he has ordered Tobi to do anything in your view at least.
“Gomen Nee-chan.” Tobi childishly says as he sits down once again. Deidara stands up hugging you lightly from behind since Sasori was there, you leaned your head back looking up as he leans his head down almost as if he was going to kiss you then and there.
“Hikaru.” Konan calls you, Deidara lets you go as you walk over following Konan.

[Sasori’s POV]
I watched as Hikaru leaves with Konan, I glared over to Deidara. He walks over to me, then sits next to me.
“Sasori-donna.” Deidara calls.
“What?” I asked.
“You like Hikaru don’t you?” He smirked asking me this.
“Your point?” I asked seeing nothing to his words although I know I have feelings for her.
“Deidara as much as I hate making people wait I don’t like waiting on people either.” I stated getting up and leaving the room.

[Back to regular POV]
You walked out of your brother’s office heading to your room, you came around then corner seeing Sasori standing out side his door then turned and stood in front of your door. He walked up and down muttering to himself, then stopped again putting his hand up to your door. You watched with amusement hinting in every part of your expression, he kept his hand there as you walked up behind him.
“Sasori.” You whisper blowing in his ear, he looked your shoulder at you. You two stood there a good five minutes, he looks away from your piercing gaze. He turns around suddenly capturing your lips to his, shortly after he breaks the kiss as you lean into his chest. Sasori pulls you into his room, you looked up taking his soft lips to yours as you bite on his lower lip asking for entrance, he smirked in the kiss slightly opening letting you memorizing and battling for dominance.
Of course which you lost and as his prize he slid his tongue in your mouth memorizing every crevice and inch. He unbutton and takes your shirt off, at the same time you move your hands move to his Akatsuki cloak removing it and tossing is to where he threw your shirt previously, then you moved to his shirt pulling it off. You broke the kiss meeting his gaze while lustfully smiling to him.
Then you began to unzip your pants, letting it fall away from your exposed lower half. You moved your hands up unclasping your bra next, letting your full breasts bounce freely, your rounded nipples pointed with arousal. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes moved over your smooth skin, over the swell of your breast; down into the cleft of your womanhood. His hands moved to undo his jeans, but yours stops his.
“Let me.” You breathed, undoing the button and pulling the zipper down slowly. He stared down as you pulled his pants off. His hard cock sprung free from the confines, pointing straight up into the air. You chuckled a little, settling between his legs.
“Mmm...ready” You whispered, and he could only nod, his mind clouded with lust. You opened your mouth delicately, swiping your tongue over the tip of his penis, eliciting a gasp from him. Smiling, you wrapped a hand around the base, licking a seductive circle around the head of his cock. He bit his lower lip, enthralled by the sensations.
“More Sasori?” You asked softly, taking the head of his cock in your mouth and sucking. Your hand slowly pumped up and down the shaft, sending sensations of pleasure shocking through his body.
“Yes…” He gasped out… “Yes…” He hissed in pleasure as your tugging became harder, your tongue swirling around the underside of the helmet. You smiled with his dick in your mouth, sucking harder.

His dick coming in and out of your mouth with a wet plop. Your hand was jerking him off rapidly, flashing up and down his rod as his breath grew more and more ragged. The next thing you knew, you found yourself being pulled off your knees with your back thrown onto the bed.
You squealed, feeling Sasori’s firm hands around your waist. You let out a stuttering moan of delight as he rubbed the head of his cock against your folds, silently demanding entrance to her wet hole. You nod to him, and he took off your panties.

“Yes…” You breathed out, he smirked down at you sliding the tip of his penis inside. Neither spoke for a moment, until he thrusted forward and buried himself to the hilt inside of your womanhood. Both letting out a moan of fulfillment simultaneously as his cock filled you. He smirked again, looking down at the pleasure etched on you face, and he wanted to see more.

He drew back his hips, leaving you moaning out at the loss of his cock inside. He chuckled and then slammed back inside you, eliciting another moan from both parties. Slowly, he began to draw himself in and out of your tight pussy, nearly pulling his cock all the way out before thrusting back inside of you. You gripped his upper forearms tightly, biting your lower lip in pleasure as the sensations rocked through out your body.

An unspoken cue as his thrusts began to quicken, made faster by the lustful anticipation. He slammed his cock into you faster and faster, making you call out his name in gasping moans as he fucked you thoroughly, his rock hard erection slamming in and out of your tight hot womanhood.
“Mmnaah … Sasori!” You moaned out, hearing him grunt.

He stared down at you, grunting in pleasure as you writhed underneath him, your hips bucking against his as he thrust into you, watching your breasts bounce with every thrust. His hands were clasped firmly around your waist as he plowed into you, moaning as the harsh contact sent shivers down his spine.

“Hikaru…nnaahh” He grunted still thrusting in and out.
You moaned out his name again, taking his hard dick slamming into your tight pussy. A devious thought crossed your shy yet lust ridden mind, and you smiled through your pants. Before he could ask why, you wrapped your legs around his waist, rolling him over on the bed and pushing his chest down.
“Mmnnaa.” You said, licking his neck and thrusting up and down on his rock hard cock.

Sasori groaned with pleasure, rocking his hips in time to your thrusts, creating delicious friction in your bodies. His hands flew up to your breasts and he began to fondle with them, playing with the nipples and squeezing them firmly; round circles. You planted your hands on his chest as you thrusted harder and harder.

“Naahh…Sasori!” She cried, with your hips slamming down and driving his cock deep inside of you. He groaned, biting his lower lip. He couldn’t take much more of this. Leaning up, he took one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking at it and kneading it lightly with his teeth. He groaned as you smacked your pelvis against his again, hard.

“I’m going to come.” He grunted out, burying his face in your breasts as he slammed his hips up into you, drawing out a long moan of enjoyment from you. You moaned again, thrusting desperately.

“Nuuhhh ahhh, Sasori!” You moaned, he hissed in pleasure. Moaning loudly as he kneaded your breasts, he pumped in and out of you a few more times as you both come in unison mixing your juices together.

“SASORI…HIKARU!” You both shout climaxing as he holds your closer in his arm holding you tightly. He pulls the sheets up covering your both, you place your hand on his wooden body caressing your soft flesh as your warm touch meets his cold.
“Sasori, I love you.” You whisper kissing his cheek.
“I love you to Hikaru.” He replies. He falls asleep soon as you stare up at him, slowly closing your own eyes with a wide smile upon your lips.
‘To me, Sasori…you’re the most beautiful puppet around.’ You thought as it was the last thing in your head.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Uchiha鬼Demon’s past鬼Sasuke Lemon one-shot (Request for


Name: Whitney
Age: 18
Village: Lightning
Rank: Missing-nin
Looks: Pic is up above
(short, red hair, curvy)
Abilities/Power: Good with Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu.
Personality: shy, but sarcastic.
Horoscope Sign: Leo.


“Whitney.” You turn around looking to meet a set of cold dark onyx eyes, you then looked down.
“Yes?” You shyly respond.
“Will you and Suigetsu gather information.” He orders, you nodded and so you and Suigetsu take your leave heading inside the Mist with the other’s trailing not far behind.
“Where are we too meet them after this?” Suigetsu asked you.
“At that place.” You say pointing it out to him, he sweat drops.
“Let’s rest for a moment I am thirsty.” He says sitting down near a fountain. You sat with him as you waited for the target. As Suigetsu sips his water the man come and sat next to you handing you the papers you were waiting for. You waited there for a moment then as Suigetsu stand you both start to follow the source.
“Let me just wait here.” Suigetsu says entering the building you nodded your head and waited. You heard a loud scream and then silence came, the door soon opened and you handed him is water back. You then head to the area where you were to meet up with everyone else, Sasuke was alone as you arrived he glares at Suigetsu.
“Leave Suigetsu.” Sasuke orders.
“Sure, where are we staying again?” He asked.
“Across from here, Karin and Jugo are waiting for you in room 98.” Sasuke said point in the said direction. Suigetsu leaves you and heads over, you then pull out the papers handing them to Sasuke. He takes them and starts to read over them, then a lady waiter comes over to you and Sasuke. She gets all weird and tries to flirt with him, he pays no attention.
“What could I get you?” She asked him.
“What would you like to order Whitney?” Sasuke asked you.
“I am not hungry but I would like tea.” You suggest to him.
“Two tea’s then.” He tells her, she smiles wide at him and leaves.
“Sasuke what is the next move?” You asked him, he closes his eyes for a moment in thought as the waiter lady comes back setting down your and his tea. Sasuke opens his eyes once she is gone, he stares at you as you drink some of the tea.
“What?” You asked him, he says nothing just looks away.
“We should head back.” You suggest standing up, he stands up with you. Silence as you both entered the inn, you looked over your shoulder seeing him staring at you again but like before his eyes hinted something. You stopped at your door, just as you were unlocking it you noticed the room was quiet.
“Jugo, Karin and Suigetsu have to room next door.” Sasuke states seeing that you were looking around.
“Why is that?” You asked standing in front of the only bed, as you turn to face him. Sasuke starts to walk over to you. You watch him as he stands in front of you, he looks deep in your eyes as he leans forwards, then he pushed you on your back kissing your lips fiercely.
He bit your bottom lip, immediately you parted them. He slicked his tongue in and played with yours. His hands then roamed your body, groping your ass as you giggled in the kiss. He sat up and slowly started kissing down your neck, moving down your collar and then to your breast. He kissed around it and slowly pulled the cup down to show the hard peaked slightly dark nipple.
He lightly licked it with the tip of his tongue, teasing you by doing this slowly. You arched your back high off the bed and Sasuke took this chance and slid his hands behind you; still licking your nipple, and took the bra off and threw it to a random place. He then took one of your breast and covered it with his mouth, running his tongue over your already rock-hard nipple.
"Sasuke!" You moaned, he started to suck on your breast, moving his head back and forth and then moving to the other breast giving it the same treatment.
A sudden aching awakened in between your legs, your womanhood was wet and it sunk through your panties. You moaned and shifted around slightly, the aching was getting worse as he continued his foreplay with your breast.
You grabbed his hand and put it against your wet underwear, he smirked at you and slowly took your panties off and revealed your neatly trimmed sex.
You grabbed his hair and moaned loudly as he shoved 3 fingers inside of you, he started to pump them in and out of you but to your disappointment he took out his fingers.
You groaned in protest but yelped when you felt something warm slide against your clit, arching your back off the bed making a bridge as he continued to lick your wet sex. Sasuke's tongue danced around against your clit as you moaned, his tongue went lower until it entered your wet sex rubbing against your walls.
You screamed in pleasure and tightly closer your eyes.
"Mmm…nnaahh" You moaned, gripping his hair while pushing his head further against your womanhood. He grabbed your thighs and spread them wider, giving him more access to you, he started to thrust his tongue in and out of your wet sex. He managed to undress himself while he was still licking your womanhood, only pausing once or twice, and he was left with his boxers.
His fingers slowly inched their way to your sex as he started to rub your clit. You screamed his name in awe as he continued his ministration. His eyes slowly opened and he stared your juicy pink cunt and he started getting harder, he opened his mouth and covered your entire womanhood and started to suck on it, licking it every so often.
He reached up and grabbed your breast and squeezed it roughly, tweaking the hard nipples with his fingers. A bubbly feeling soared in the pit of your stomach and you knew you were going to come. He felt your walls tighten and he knew what was happening, he then stopped sucking. Only to stick his tongue inside of you again, then he felt your walls tighten around his tongue.
"Sasuke!" You screamed as you spilled your sweet white liquid all over his tongue. He lapped up all of your cum and crawled up to you, he stared your barely opened eyes. He watched your chest rise up and down, your eyes stare back at his. Your eyes slowly trailed down to his mouth where a bit of your cum was leaking out, you pushed your head up and licked the cum off his face. Sticking your tongue inside of his mouth, tasting yourself while making yourself even hornier then before.
You grabbed the back of his head and pushed him over on his back taking control. You sensually kissed his chest, running your tongue over his nipple and slowly went down to the rim of his boxers where you saw a small tent. You nuzzled your face against it, making the tent grow bigger and harder. You smirked and slowly peeled his boxers off. Your eyes widened slightly when he was fully revealed but you didn't hesitate to do something you’ve never done before in your life.
You stuck your tongue out and licked the tip of Sasuke’s manhood, he arched his back slightly. You smirked, liking his reaction, you then continued to lick his tip, sending him in a daze.
"Whitney." Sasuke moaned out, you chuckled. You knew what he was talking about and opened your mouth wider and put the head inside of your mouth as you started to suck on his tip. He groaned loudly and thrusted his hips toward your mouth.
You looked up at him and saw that he had his eyes closed and you saw the corner of his mouth slightly opened, a smile line of saliva slid down. You smirked slightly and licked the slit, pre-cum escaped and you licked it up. You then put his whole shaft in your mouth and started to suck on it, bobbing her head up and down. You could feel him pulsating, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed your head more towards his cock, making you slightly gag on him but you didn't mind.
You scraped your teeth against his long shaft and he arched his back further off the bed, moaning loudly. Your left hand started playing with one of his sacks and he moaned loudly. You could feel him tremble under your touch and suddenly, his cum shot out of his manhood and straight into your mouth. You licked it up, despite the salty taste and nibbled at him one last time before sat up looking at him panting.
Sasuke managed to pin you to the bed and you stared at each other, he looked at you questioningly. You nodded and smiled at him saying. "Sasuke, sweep me away…take me as you want."
He grinned and slammed into you, You moaned loudly and almost immediately cummed but held your ground.
"Uhhh…Nannnaaaa!" You moaned tossing your head back.
"Naaa…aahhh..." He groaned feeling you wet hot cunt please his long thick hard cock.
You gripped his shoulders tightly as he slammed into you mercilessly, a blush found it's way to your cheeks and a coat of sweat appeared on the two. You closed your eyes in pleasure and your mouth was slightly open, letting moans and groans escape your lips.
Your head arched back and he leaned down and licked your throat, then sucking on it making you moan louder. Sweat trailed down Sasuke's lean abs and he grunted each time he thrusted into you, his hands gripped your thighs and spread them further. Holding them with his arms as he rested his hands on the bed, gripping the blanket. You reached down towards your woman hood and rubbed your clit slightly.
He saw your hand in the corner of his eye and grinned, he took your hand away and replaced it with his own and aimed chakra to it rubbing your clit, sending a pleasurable pulsating feeling through your body. He pounded into you roughly and you both moaned loudly. You groaned as he kept hitting your secret spot again and again, making you go crazy.
"Faster Sasuke!" You moaned, he nod and went faster.
The bed moved with the both of you, making screeching noises against the floor. You bounced up and down slightly, while he enjoyed the view watching your full plump breast bounce up and down and the view of the moonlight shining against your sweat covered skin and full lips mouthing his name and moaning it out loud.
You felt a bubbling feeling, similar to the one before but much stronger and you moaned loudly feeling your climax coming, hard.
“SASUKE!” You scream in pure bliss as you came, it was so pleasurable that you couldn't even think straight. You practically passed out for a second because it was so intense. He went faster than before, using your cum so he could pump in and out quicker. You was recovering from your climax as you stared straight into his closed eyes and knew from his facial expression when he went faster that he was also on the verge of a strong climax. With one final hard thrust, he shot his seed inside of you like a rocket taking off.
“WHITNEY!” He yelled out and panted loudly.
With all his strength, he slowly got out of you leaving a small line of cum connecting both their sexes. He collapsed beside you and groaned happily from feeling you wrap your arms and legs around him. You were both panting hard and they both had sweat cover your bodies, he turned his head around and stared at your flushed face. You stared back and smiled softly.
“I know you love me Whitney but don’t.” He said as he sat up in the bed, you sat up moving behind him. Wrapping your arm around his chest and started to trail little butterfly kisses down his neck and shoulder.
“I do love you Sasuke, but why?” You asked him.
“I need to kill Itachi.” He plainly says.
“I know, but what of after?” You asked.
“I don’t think you would love a demon like me.” He says.
“Sasuke.” You whisper lifting his chin. “A demon’s past…will never take me away.” He smiles his once in a while hidden smile as he leans his head back. You hold him from behind to show him that you truly meant your words as you pull him down on his back.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rock夜Perfection夜Lee lemon oneshot (Request for xXxshilovesleexXx)


Name: Sabaku No Riki No Shi (means strength of the death) but they call her Riki almost always almost no one calls her shi (I wonder why....) she’s Gaara’s favorite cousin.
Age:14 (she’s months older than lee)
Village: Sunakagure but moved to Konoha to help reconstruct the city... she took the responsibility of Gaara destroying the city (or because he almost killed Lee and Naruto)
Rank: Top chuunin (almost Jounin).
(White snow hair, blood red eyes, millimeter shorter that lee, has too much chest for a girl her age (hey I really do!! ToT a 38 c cup XD) she wears glasses to see better, normal weight.)
Abilities: Fighting well, she cant use taijutsu that well because she never cared to practice it, she can sort of use like genjutu, but dancing (like belly dancing, it confuses them then they are like blinded by a strong light) On the house she can be like a mother, she can clean, cook she loves to cook for other people and if they are a lot she will be happier then ever and especially to cook for lee, since his a bottom-less pit, she’s as sweet and caring like a mother.
Personality: crazy, hyperactive, likes to make people laugh (she kissed him because she wanted to make the workers laugh a bit) but she can be serious and seductive when she wants to... (Say that to her huge chest XD)
Horoscope Sign: Capricorn


Like many times before you always felt the need to help someone, in this case your cousin; Gaara. You hugged your cousin’s and then headed to Konoha, you wanted to help rebuild the city after what had happened during the Chuunin exams. Taking partial blame for his actions, you are about half way there when you remembered something Gaara told you.

“Riki when you get to Konoha there is someone there I would like you to meet, he reminds me of you in some way his name is Naruto. He saved me for myself and I cannot see him fit with out meeting you as a friend.” Gaara said.
“Alright!” You said excitedly, then jumps in Gaara’s arms.
“He has many friends, so make some new ones to.” He finished as he let you go smiling.
“HAI!” You exclaimed then turned closing his door on your way out.
***End of flashback***

You laughed to yourself, taking a quick break. You thought of this person he had mentioned, and how much Gaara had changed. You was in many ways wanting to meet the one person who made Gaara look in the mirror but to also thank him for helping Gaara all the same. Yes meaning you and Gaara are very close, you see him more and understand then the rest of the village had. Until the time he spent in Konoha, that was after he then came back unbelievably different. It was night and as you sat against the trunk of a tree you closed your eyes for much needed rest.
‘I wonder what awaits me there?’ You thought falling asleep.

The next day came just fast as the day before, you woke stretching and yawning out as you stood up in the cold refreshing morning. You ate a small snack bar as you started to head off once again, as you approached more and more close to Konoha you started using the trees to jump from as you landed in front of the gates.
“Who are you?” A guy asked as they both stared at me as I started to walk in.
“Sabaku No Riki No Shi.” You said to them they nodded.
“Ah yes we were told you would be here sometime today. I will have someone come here not to take you to the work site.” The other said, then he ‘poof’ away. Soon you heard someone walking over from the distance, he had a mask covering over his left side of his face and grey hair.
“What would you prefer to be called?” He asked.
“Riki, and you?” You replied.
“Hatake Kakashi.” He said.
“Pleasure to meet you.” You said walking over to him, you then both started to walk as he lead you to where you are to be stationed.
“Thank you.” You said.
“Any time Riki any time.” He replied then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. You tuned facing your new team, you smiled walking through as you started to help.
“Riki come up here for a little and help me with the beams.” A worker asked, you nod. As you make it to the top of the building you are reconstructing, you looked down seeing more people come two boys and one girl. Just as you turned you were pushed from behind, closing your eyes as you waited for sudden impact which didn’t come. Peeking through half lidded eyes you noticed a pair staring right back at you. Opening your eyes more you looked seeing the ones your were looking at from up top, you smiled as he placed your feet to the ground.
“There you go.” He said, you couldn’t speak to thank him so you thought of another thing. You moved close to his face placing a soft kiss on his cheeks, he blushed bright as you pulled away. All eye watching your actions as you smiled up at the stranger who saved your life.
‘Maybe Gaara was right.’ You thought.
“My name’s Riki what’s yours?” You asked.
“Rock Lee.” He replied doing a stance which you thought was funny and cute, he blushed hearing you giggle as he looked back to you.
“This is Ten-ten and Neji we are here to assist.” Lee said.
“Alright I know we need help at the top of this building.” You said to them, they nodded following you up. You all finished the building in no time at all, as the day ended Kakashi showed up as you walked down with Lee.
“Ah Riki here is your guest key.” Kakashi said handing you the inn’s key that you are to be staying at.
“Thanks.” You say.
“Kakashi-sensei.” Other voices called to the said man.
“Hey bushy brow.” A boy said to Lee.
“Hey Lee.” Another said but this time it was a girl.
“Oh right Naruto, Sakura. This is Riki, Sabaku No Gaara’s cousin.” Kakashi said, Lee went pale at the mention of your cousin’s name.
“Wait that kid from the sand?” The blonde boy asked.
“Yep that’s him alright.” You laugh.

***Three months later***
You’ve been in Konoha for three months give or take a few days, and everything is starting to work out with the reconstruction. As the time flew by you’ve met everyone that Gaara has told you about and even more to a specific one. Your feelings for Rock Lee has grown more by the day, Naruto is like another addition to your family and your cousin was right he was A LOT like you. Sakura, Hinata, and Ten-ten invited you with them for a girls night out just one problem it wasn’t a all girls night out we had Neji, Naruto, and Lee with you guys. Sakura walks to your side as you stare over your shoulder at Naruto and Lee.
“Riki.” Sakura says, you turn to look at her.
“Yeah?” You asked.
“Do you like Naruto or Lee?” She suddenly asked, then Hinata and Ten-ten crowd around as the boys keep talking among themselves.
“Sakura.” You blushed, she smiles.
“Hm…well?” Ten-ten asked this time.
“…Lee.” You whisper, they smile widely. Hinata puts her hand on your shoulder, then smiles softly as you glance up at her.

***After the night out***
As you all finished watching the sun set, you all began to head back home. You were fiddling with your fingers as you thought about what Hinata had said before you all came out tonight. You knew she was right, but you were afraid at the same time. You skipped your way twirling around as you all started to head your own ways home.
“Hey Lee since you and Riki are going the same way why don’t you walk her to her room?” Sakura says, you immediately stop in your place turning slowly around like a girl with goose bumps and a cold chill down her back expression.
“Right.” He replied walking over to you.
“See you tomorrow Riki.” Hinata says as you and Lee start to walk off.
“Hey Lee.” You say trying to get the courage to tell him.
“Yes Riki.” He says in reply.
“Um…” You start looking down.
“We’re here, would you like me to walk you to your room?” He offered, you nod. You pulled out the key to your room playing with it between your fingers, you stopped to your door unlocking it and stepping slightly inside.
“Thank you Lee.” You say blushing, he smiles his big bright grin.
“You’re welcome.” He says turning away as you close your room door. You started to undress and put on a long t-shirt and panties. You pulled down the sheets on the bed and then you walked into the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth. Just as you finished a loud knock banged on the door, you jumped walking over.
“Yeah who is there.” You say through the door.
“Lee.” Came the reply, you opened the door seeing him blush as he looked you up and down.
“Yes Lee?” You say looking at him, he looks away then back at you.
“May I come in?” He asked, you stepped to the right letting him enter then you closed the door.
“So what do you need?” You asked cocking your head to the left, he comes closer lifting your chin up as he places a soft kiss to your lips.
“I…love…you.” He murmured in the kiss, you pull away.
“Really?” You asked him.
“Yes, I was walking up and down the hallway this whole time.” He nervously laughs, you wrap your arms around his shoulder.
“Lee, I love you too.” You say then kissed his soft, smooth lips. He wraps his arms around your waist lifting you up enough where you wrap your legs around his waist. He moves his lips down to your neck in search for your soft spot, just as he sucks, licks, and bites all around he finally got was he was wanting as you pressed more close to his body.
“Lee.” You moaned as he started to bite down more and more on your tender neck. You unwrapped your legs, you move your hands around his body as you push yourself off of him. He watches you closely with lust in his eyes, you push him more against the wall as you take off your shirt. You sway your body twirling around then you started to lay your back against him as you continue to move lightly on him. You turn around facing him as your hands start to undress him, you kneeled down looking at his erection pointing straight out. You licked the tip wrapping your fingers around his shaft, as you slowly started to take his length inside of your mouth. You took him all the way as you hit his base without gagging then you came back up. Repeating this with a steady pace as you bobbed your head up and down.
“Riki.” He grunted as you felt his hot warm liquid hit the back of your throat. He picked you up immediately taking you to your bed, tossing you down ever so lightly as he removed the only piece of clothing left on your steaming body.
“Ahh..” You moaned feeling his tongue lick over your clit, you bucked your hips slightly as you felt his thumb taught your outer core.
“Lee.” You moaned again whisking your fingers in his short black hair. He then stuck two fingers inside your hot soaking core, pumping them in and out deep and rough. You arched your head back and chest up as he continued to move his fingers and tongue in ways your mind couldn’t possibly comprehend.
“Naahhh Lee.” You whimpered out in a moan as you felt is tongue hit into your core with his fingers still in and out of you, just as he pumped in again you came in him mouth and on his fingers. He got to his knees upright licking his lips with your juices coming down his lips and chin, you blushed as he kissed his way up your stomach and to your lips. He takes his right hand cupping your left breast as he takes your right breast in his mouth, taunting the nipple to a harden nub as he licks his tongue around. He then turns his attention to the other breast giving it the same treatment. Lee props himself up again looking deep with your gaze, he lowers himself near your ear.
“I am sorry.” He whispered in your ear then taking your lips to his as you felt your virgin barrier break, now understanding why he said sorry as tears started to come from your eyes. Lee props up a little more licking your tears away, he gives you a gentle look as the pain slowly fades away.
“Nnaahh Riki Ahhh.” He groaned, as his cock grew solid in your hands, wasting no time he picked you up letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He then turned around having you between him and the wall, his thick long shaft poking at your entrance.
“Ahh...” He grunted as he slid himself all the way in, leaving his face in the crook of your neck.
“Ahhh…uhhh.” You moaned.
“Ah, uh naaa.” He grunted and groaned, moving slowly as he whispered sweet and naughty things in your ear. He thrusted in and out, rough and deep inside of you. Both you were groaning and moaning, screaming each others name.
“Nnaahh Lee…uhh please nnaahh harder ahhh.” You moaned and soon feeling your climax.
“Riki, uhh I’m going to naaahhh come.” He slammed into you with such strength, while using one of his hands to gently rub your clit as he neared his own release. You felt the orgasm getting closer and closer with a panting him not far behind. Right when you thought you couldn’t hold on any longer, his face sunk into the crook of your neck, making you cry out in release. Lee thrusted a few more times before you felt his seed fill inside you. He lifted you up in his arms carrying you to his bedroom, laying you on his bed and laying behind as he covered both you naked bodies.
“Lee?” You called, feeling exhausted.
“Yes Riki.” He replied laying on his side as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Perfect.” You said.
“What is?” He asked.
“You, Perfection I see on the inside of you.” You say closing your eyes and pulling the cover over you and him.